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I would love to give God the glory for the permanent healing of my asthma.


It all began when I was 28 years old. My breathing became difficult upon settling at starting my business; my chest would feel heavy and tight. I went to different  doctors without and any cure, taking about 40 tablets a day, the only thing that the doctors could do was to be immediately put e on the Nebuliser machine. The doctor prescribed two Ventolin puffers: one in case of an asthma attack and the other for everyday use. I remember how I would have to sit with the Nebuliser machine on and breathe deeply in and out before or after going to work or doing anything.


There were many times when I would have an asthma attack. I was gasping for air and it felt like I was fighting for every breath. I remember how difficult it was to breathe and that it was as if I was breathing through a thin straw. Sometimes these asthma attacks would happen during the day but the majority of them woke me up in the middle of the night struggling for air, until I was in coma for 3 Weeks.

My life changed when I met a Man of God : Pastor Patrick Thenga who is the senior Pastor for Bethesda Living Water Ministry, started praying for me and he advised to come daily until I was healed and delivered from the demon that was causing Asthma.


Since he started praying for me, I have not had an Asthma or be hospitalized for quite a long time. I have never had another asthma attack nor any wheeziness in breathing. I have never had any breathing difficulties at all.

Glory be to God for having healed me from asthma permanently, once and for all.

May God bless you as you seek Him as your Healer.

My broken leg healed in less than 4 weeks


I broke my ankle and I had the cast placed.  For full three weeks, I could not move, I was in pain and could not wear my heals and I was also using crutches. Pastor Patrick from Bethesda Living Water Ministry prayed for me. After the prayer, within 3 weeks,  I stopped using crutches and the boot totally and I am 100% of my normal ankle function. 


I was told I was not yet ready to wear shoes, My instructions were to continue to use the crutches for 6 weeks.  I was instructed to start putting partial pressure on my foot, which was in the camo boot but I refused because I knew what God had done through the man of God. 

Our Personal history with god

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